A 21 mile ride is nothing for most avid cyclists. And a few years ago, I could do that ok. But I've let myself get a little out of shape, and have gained a few pounds. It wasn't a real easy ride for me. I have been working on the weight, and am down 12 pounds from a few weeks ago. Plus I have been mostly riding my touring bike, which is a little heavier than my road bike.
I often think of myself as an "average" guy. People who don't know much about biking may look at a 21 mile ride and think, "Wow, that's a big accomplishment". But an avid cyclist may see my 21 mile ride and say, "Yeah, I do that everyday before breakfast". It was one of the longer rides I've done in awhile.
I didn't think it was supposed to be real hot today, but when I started, it was 87.
Found these lilies along the road.
I came down county road 612.............
.......and then hit hwy 21 towards Berryville.
The first of several hills.
Then I turned onto this county road 461, which becomes 405.
A farm scene along the way.
Hwy 221 between Berryville and Carr Lane is not a "bicycle-friendly" road. A narrow shoulder, plus for some reason, the traffic seems to not slow down much. And there's lots of traffic. With lots of rolling hills, traffic often starts to pass, then someone pops over the hill in front of you, which can make for a tense situation.
A nice view.
Welcome to Missouri.
I must have had a "cooling" filter on this photo. I sure felt a lot hotter than I look! I have an appontment to get a haircut this Saturday. First one since February.
Missouri hwy 37 north of Carr Lane. Hills and those "rumble strips" on the shoulder. Makes it hard to get out of the way of drivers.
I've noticed I always take more photos early in a ride, than I do later. I think it's because I get tired and just don't want to stop to take a photo. Welcome to Shell Knob.
Table Rock Lake.
I called Lajunta when I got here, and found out she had just gotten off work. I'm not crazy about biking across bridges, so I waited for her here, to pick me up.
The map of my ride.
It was mostly a down-hill ride, but still several hills to climb up.
Good ride!, My Grandma lived (first husband: Doyle Plumlee, he died, she remarried and they moved to Shell Knob, just off of Table Rock Lake), in Shell Knob for many years, sadly I never got a chance to visit her there. :( I know what you mean about them !@#%^&* Rumble Strips, they shook our teeth about on the 100 mile (over 2 days) ride we took on June 11-12 on the trikes, what a way to mess up a road and leave bicyclist or trikers NO where to go!! Have a excellent day and RIDE! :)